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Backgrounder(s) & FactSheet(s):Backgrounder




For Immediate Release


March 31, 2006

Ministry of Attorney General




VICTORIA – Starting in 2007, Daylight Saving Time in British Columbia will begin three weeks earlier in the spring and last one week longer, Attorney General Wally Oppal announced today following a four-week public consultation.


“Adjusting our Daylight Saving Time dates will align us with the United States and other Canadian provinces,” Oppal said. “During a month-long consultation, we received 4,296 written and electronic submissions from the public, business and other organizations. Over 90 per cent were in favour of the change.”


Beginning in 2007, Daylight Saving Time (DST) in most of B.C. will begin three weeks earlier, on the second Sunday in March – March 11, 2007. The period will end on the first Sunday in November – that is Nov. 4, 2007. Exceptions will be those areas of the province that have historically chosen to observe different times for all or part of the year. The Peace River region does not observe DST, so its clocks will not change. The East Kootenay region observes Mountain Time, and will likely continue to synchronize its clocks with Alberta.


 “It’s a smart move for businesses like tourism, travel and telecommunications, and means we will be in sync with much of the country and our biggest trade partner – the United States,” Oppal said. “Provinces that have already announced they will adopt the change include Alberta, Ontario, Quebec, Manitoba and New Brunswick.”


The DST change was adopted in the United States as part of its Energy Policy Act. It was brought forward as an energy-saving policy, since DST shifts an hour of daylight time from morning to evening, which is the period of greatest energy usage.


 The Attorney General is responsible for the Interpretation Act, which includes reference to time and is the authority under which Daylight Saving Time is prescribed in the province.


British Columbians on Daylight Saving Time will change their clocks twice more this year before the new Daylight Saving Time period begins in 2007. Daylight Saving Time in 2006 begins Sunday, April 2 and a return to Standard Time will take place on Oct. 29, 2006.


 1 backgrounder(s) attached.





Carol Carman

Communications Director

Ministry of Attorney General

250 387-4965


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