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For Immediate Release


Aug. 6, 2007

Ministry of Tourism, Sport and the Arts




FORT LANGLEY – The Township of Langley will be developing its very own B.C. Spirit Square, as part of an effort to re-develop the Fort Langley Waterfront, thanks to $377,500 from the provincial government, announced Tourism, Sport and the Arts Minister Stan Hagen.


“This is about celebrating our heritage and achievements – past, present and future,” said Hagen. “The Birthplace of BC Spirit Square not only pays tribute to this historic centre, it celebrates the wonderful contributions Langley has made to this Province since 1858.”


In 2008, the province will be celebrating the 150th anniversary of the founding of the Crown colony. BC150 will be a chance for communities to reflect on the past, and look toward the future. Thanks to the hard work of the city, community members, local organizations and the Spirit of BC Community Committee, Langley will have a special square to call its own.


“This will be an opportunity for the Township of Langley to celebrate the vital role it played in the growth of British Columbia, by creating a interactive monument that will continue to enrich the lives of the community,” said Rich Coleman, MLA for Fort Langley-Aldergrove.


The Birthplace of British Columbia Spirit Square will be a main focal point and meeting place along the newly redeveloped Fort Langley waterfront. The waterfront redevelopment – the largest in Fort Langley’s history – will add about 900 people to Fort Langley, the smallest of the urban communities that make up Langley Township with a population of 2,500.


“The redevelopment of the waterfront will focus on green space and making the area accessible to the whole community,” said Mayor Kurt Alberts, “and the addition of a Spirit Square, used to celebrate our rich cultural heritage, is a perfect addition to the plans.”


“The great thing about celebrating our heritage is understanding that it is still being created – we are making history as we speak,” said Langley MLA Mary Polak “This Spirit Square will be a welcome focal point for the waterfront redevelopment and a gathering place for many generations to come.”


The $20-million B.C. Spirit Square program is helping to create or improve outdoor public meeting/celebration spaces based on 50/50 cost-sharing with local governments, to a maximum provincial contribution of $500,000.  For more information about B.C. Spirit Squares, and for links to these other programs, visit online.


The Spirit of BC Community Committees were established to build community partnerships, support local programs and ensure residents share in the benefits of the 2010 Winter Games. The Spirit of BC community committee members represent a wide spectrum of organizations and sectors, including First Nations, municipal governments, the education, sport and recreation sectors, business, arts and culture.


BC150 is a celebration of the 150th anniversary of the founding of the Crown Colony of British Columbia in 1858.  Every community in B.C. is invited to participate in this year-long celebration of B.C.’s cultural diversity, community strength and widespread achievement. For more information, please visit






Don McDonald

Communications Director

250 356-9869


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