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For Immediate Release


March 6, 2008

Ministry of Agriculture and Lands




VICTORIA – The Province is strengthening the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act to ensure the B.C. Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (BCSPCA) continues to have the authority it needs to carry out its animal welfare mandate, Agriculture and Lands Minister Pat Bell announced today.


“The Province supports and values the work done by the BCSPCA staff and its numerous volunteers as they assist and protect animals,” said Bell. “The changes we are introducing today will ensure the highest standards of animal welfare exist here in British Columbia and are consistent with standards in other provinces.”


The amendments will improve the BCSPCA’s power to help animals that are in distress or abandoned and will increase penalties for offences. Currently, upon conviction for the offence of causing distress to an animal, there is a penalty of up to $2,000 or a six-month jail sentence or both. That will increase to $5,000 or a six-month jail sentence or both for a first offence and $10,000 or a six-month jail sentence or both for a second offence. The amendments address operational issues identified by the BCSPCA and will:


·        Refine the definition of “distress” to include situations where an animal’s health or well-being is affected by inadequate ventilation, space, care or veterinary treatment.

·        Authorize agents operating in remote areas to obtain warrants by telephone.

·        Clarify the authority of agents to seize evidence of an offence.

·        Clarify the authority of agents to take abandoned animals into custody.

·        Clarify the BCSPCA’s authority to hold and dispose of animals, and the obligation of animal owners to reimburse the Society for its care-related costs.

·        Provide immunity from legal proceedings for damages to persons performing duties or exercising powers under the act.

·        Update provisions relating to corporate structure and obligations.


The Ministry of Agriculture and Lands supports the work of the BCSPCA through annual grants, and overall, since 2001, the Province has provided the BCSPCA with over $3.15 million to assist it with the costs of its operations.
“For our organization, the amendments to the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act mean we can now carry out our mandate more effectively and efficiently,” said Craig Daniell, chief executive officer of the BCSPCA.


The Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act was enacted in 1895 to establish the BCSPCA and authorizes the Society to take action to assist all captive animals, including farm animals, that are in distress and to investigate offences involving animals.






Liz Bicknell

Communications Director

Ministry of Agriculture and Lands

250 356-2862

250 213-3072 (cell)


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