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Province of British Columbia
For Immediate Release
Sept. 18, 2020
Ministry of Children and Family Development
New culturally inclusive child care coming to Burnaby

BURNABY – Families in Burnaby will benefit from 75 new licensed child care spaces as part of an innovative partnership that will provide culturally inclusive, affordable housing and child care in one location – one of the first purpose-built projects of this kind.

“In communities like Burnaby, finding quality, affordable housing and child care are two of the biggest obstacles parents face,” said Katrina Chen, Minister of State for Child Care and MLA for Burnaby-Lougheed. “This unique partnership will help local low- and middle-income families find the culturally inclusive supports they need to re-enter the workforce, go back to school or pursue new opportunities – things that can’t happen without quality child care.”

Through the Childcare BC New Spaces Fund, and in partnership with BC Housing, the Province is supporting S.U.C.C.E.S.S. to create licensed child care spaces as part of a new affordable housing project in Burnaby. The project, which is scheduled to start construction in August 2021 and is expected to open in October 2023, will provide 161 rental homes for families and seniors, a child care centre with outdoor play area, senior care and social services.

“We are grateful for the Province’s investment into the development of new child care spaces,” said Queenie Choo, CEO, S.U.C.C.E.S.S. “Every day, more families are choosing to settle in Burnaby, a diverse and vibrant community. Our service approach to integrate child care services with affordable housing and other community social services at 3802 Hastings St. will empower families to build stronger social and community connections. As a result, diverse families will experience an increased sense of belonging, well-being and inclusion in the growing community of Burnaby.”

Since the launch of the Childcare BC plan in February 2018, the Province has funded more than 20,000 new licensed spaces, supporting 780 new spaces each month on average. These new spaces are helping parents return to work, go back to school or pursue other opportunities to help support their families. 

These new spaces are part of the fastest creation of child care spaces in B.C.’s history. An additional 4,110 spaces, funded through the 2017 Budget Update and the Early Learning and Child Care agreement with the Government of Canada, mean more than 24,500 new licensed spaces have been funded since July 2017.

Investing in child care and early childhood education is a shared priority between government, the BC Green Party caucus and Andrew Weaver, MLA for Oak Bay-Gordon Head, and is part of the Confidence and Supply Agreement.


Janet Routledge, MLA for Burnaby North –

“With child care and affordable housing in one location, parents will have a shorter commute each day and children will learn, play and make friends in their own neighbourhood. These new spaces will support a stronger, more inclusive and more affordable community for people in Burnaby.”

Mike Hurley, Mayor of Burnaby –

“By bringing the services that families rely on, like child care and affordable housing, right into the heart of our community, we can ensure Burnaby continues to be a growing and thriving city. These much-needed spaces will make a world of difference to Burnaby residents and will continue to support the community for generations to come.”

Learn More:

For information on health and safety standards for child care, visit: 

For more about Childcare BC, visit:

To learn more about the Childcare BC New Spaces Fund, visit:

For more information on child care in Burnaby, visit:

Child care factsheet:

A backgrounder follows.

Government Communications and Public Engagement
Ministry of Children and Family Development
250 356-1553

Province of British Columbia
For Immediate Release
Sept. 18, 2020
Ministry of Children and Family Development
Additional facts about child care in Burnaby
  • Founded in 1973, S.U.C.C.E.S.S. offers programs and services in more than 50 languages, including newcomer settlement, English-language training, employment, health education, community development, affordable housing, and family, youth and seniors programming.
  • This investment means 1,093 new licensed child care spaces have been funded in Burnaby since July 2018.
  • As the Province moves towards its “new normal” under COVID-19, child care capital builds may experience unexpected delays.
  • Once operational, child care providers will be required to follow guidelines provided by the Ministry of Health and BC Centre for Disease Control to keep staff and the families they serve safe and to limit the risk of transmission.
  • Since launching in February 2018, the Childcare BC plan has helped parents save up to $1,600 a month, per child, for a total of more than $520 million through the Affordable Child Care Benefit and Child Care Fee Reduction Initiative. Through these initiatives and the Universal Child Care Prototype sites:
    • over 32,700 children have received child care for no more than $10 a day; and
    • parents in Burnaby have saved almost $26 million.
  • In November 2018, four child care providers in Burnaby were selected to deliver low-cost child care as Childcare BC Universal Prototype Sites:
    • Bee Daycare provides eight child care spaces for children up to the age of 12.
    • Ritchie Bros. Auctioneers Child Care provides 67 child care spaces: 34 infant/toddler, 25 for children aged three to five years and eight spaces for children up to the age of 12.
    • Burnaby South Childcare provides 24 infant/toddler child care spaces.
    • Fairhaven Children’s Centre provides 37 child care spaces: 12 infant/toddler and 25 for children aged three to five years.
  • In 2019, the City of Burnaby received a planning grant from the Community Child Care Planning Program, administered through the Union of BC Municipalities, to help identify their child care space needs.
  • The Province has made significant investments to improve supports to B.C.’s early care and learning professionals, including approximately $16 million to provide about 8,000 bursaries for students pursuing a career in child care.
  • Eligible Early Childhood Educators (ECEs) are receiving a $2-an-hour wage enhancement.
  • To date, the ministry has delivered over $33 million to child care providers to enhance wages for more than 12,000 ECEs across B.C. This includes almost $1.8 million for early childhood educators in Burnaby.
Government Communications and Public Engagement
Ministry of Children and Family Development
250 356-1553

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